

10 Ways To Become More Effective As A Leader

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Napolean once said,"One bad general does better than two good ones."

It takes a moment for the sence of this to register, but it is the same as our modern saying that "too many cooks spoil the broth." Having one set of instruction, even if they are flawed, is preferable to having two sets of perfect direction that, when enacted together without reference to each other cause havoc.

This is the principle of leadership in a nutshell. It is all about maintaining focus and creating positive outcomes.

The same can be applied to individuals who strive to become leaders. There needs to be focus and determination. Leadership involves understanding how to inspire, influence and control how people behave.

Nowadays, leadership in business is far more knowledge driven.

10 Ways To Be A Better Leaders

  • Ask To Be Judge

Finding out what others think of your leadership skill can really help you change for the better. Sometimes leaders can be so wrraped up in appraisal others, that thay do not seek an appraisal from below, only from their own superior. Your team is the beat source of feedback because they are on the receiving end of your "skill" everyday. Honesty should be encouraged, anonymous feedback that holds the truth if your team believes you are going to use it against them, or become defensive about what they say. If you have created a trusting and open enviroment, this should not be a problem.

  • Don't abuse your power

If people are questioning why certain things are done, or the logic of decisions, never pull rank in response. Your team should feel empowered, if only by you taking the time to explain the rationale for any decisions that have been made. Your team must be on your side. This will not happen by you telling them that the decision is the right one because you are the boss. Your team may not agree, but they should know why a situation is how it is.

Leadership Skill written in words image

  • Your team is intelligent and can be trusted

Your team should be allowed to take actions and make decisions. Trust in a vital component of leadership skills. If you can trust people to do their jobs, they have the wrong people, or you're not managing them properly. Let them to do what they are there to do without peering over their shoulders every fifteen minutes, asking what they are doing with their time.

  • Listen 

Truly listening to your team is one of the greatest leadership skills. Good listeners come across a genuinely interested empathetic, and concerned to find out what's going on. All great leader have great communication skills. Unhappy team members can only exist where their problems have not been aired. Create an enviroment where problems can be discussed so that solutions can be found. 

  • Stop being an expert on everything

This is the principle of leadership in a nutshell. It is all about maintaining focus and creating positivity and focus. They believe it's better to tell someone what to do, even to do it themselves than give their team the opportunity to develop their own solutions and therefore exercise their creativity.

  • Be Constructive 

Negativity breeds negativity. How you communicate has a profond effects on your team, as a whole and individually. Criticisms will always need to be made by leaders, but try to make them constructive, and deliver them without emotional attachment.  

  • Judge your success by your team's

The true success of leader can be measured by the success of the people who work for them. You cannot be a successful leader of a family team, just as you cannot be a successful always be on building your team's skills and removing obstacles in their way.

  • Don't Be A Narcissist

Nothing is more annoying for team members than leaders who make their decisions based on how good it will make them appear to their superious. A key leadership skill is integrity. Integrity is about doing the right thing, and allowing praise where praise is due, even if that is not at your door.

  • Have a sence of humour 

People work better when they are enjoying themselves. The work itself may be dull, but the enviroment does not have to be. Stifling fun also means stifling creativity. Team members love it when the leader joins in and has fun. This does not have to create a flippant atmosphere ; on the country, this is a tenet of team - building.

  • Don't be too difficult

Without revealing your innermost secreats, it is possible for leaders to show a more human side. If mutual respect exist, this should not be seen as vulnerability, rather a sign that you are a sentient human being, just as your team members are. Only when your team gets to know the real you will the true foundations of good leadership be properly established - trust and respect.


With the help of this article, we can too become a great leader. By following the leadership principles within you will your ability to lead people in a humane but neccessary way to achieve greatness with your team.
Leading people can be one of the most rewarding things you've ever done if you do it right. Do it wrong, and leadership can quickly become a nightmare you hope to wake up from sonner than later.

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