Today we have more stress in our lives than ever before – good stress, bad stress, red stress, blue stress. No matter what kind of stress it is, a real crisis or an imagined one, stress is incredibly harmful to our body, mind and soul.
Here are my favourite self-care habits for dealing with stress and anxiety :
1. Get in the habit of noticing.
Take an inventory of all the things that just don't feel right in your life or that you know are causing you stress. For example, when you approach certain people, places or situations do you feel more stress and tension? Once you have your list in place, look at what you can change yourself, and do it. You can also use this list to predict stressful situations before they
2. Get in the habit of asking for help.
For what you can't change yourself, you need a team. Build a team of experts to handle your list. A coach, at the top of the list, will help with the big picture and will keep you honest about your efforts. Other team members might be a family doctor who listens to you, a financial planner, a massage therapist and an exercise partner.
3. Get in the habit of bouncing back.
Think of Plan A as your basic self-care plan while stress is under control. Now imagine something happens and you are under stress. Instead of abandoning all self-care because you can't do it all, have a Plan B ready beforehand.
4. Get in the habit of relaxing.
If you practice relaxation techniques (breathing, meditation, imagery, music) every day, then when stressful situations come up you'll have the tools at your fingertips.
Related : Mindpower & Self-Improvement Tips
5. Get in the habit of gratitude.
Our attitude comes from our emotions and our emotions come from our thoughts. Thinking about what we're grateful for and what we're good at can keep things positive. It's not about shying away from what's challenging you – it's about approaching life from a place of strength and not as a victim.
Related : How do You Recognize people with a Positive Attitude ?
6. Get in the habit of creating.
Experiment with a new recipe in the kitchen, write a poem, bang a drum, do a craft, take a dance class or do something else that feels creative to you.
7. Get in the habit of putting your stuff away.
Physical clutter can really impact on mental, emotional and physical health. Get rid of things that don't make you happy when you look at them. Organize your stuff. Find a place for everything and keep it there.
8. Get in the habit of breathing.

This is the simplest and quickest way to relax yourself in a stressful situation. The minute you focus on your breathing it automatically gets slower and deeper.
9. Get in the habit of daydreaming.
Take yourself away on an imaginary holiday. Just close your eyes and go! Picture somewhere you've been or somewhere you've dreamed of.
10. Get in the habit of giggling.
Laugh out loud every day.
Don't let your stress get the better of you! Which one of these strategies can you apply this week to manage your stress?
What Causes Stress and How to Manage It
Too much stress in our lives can be a contributing factor of many health problems. Some of these health problems are allergies, asthma, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Not all stress is bad. Dealing with deadlines, confrontations and competition adds interest to our lives and motivates us. However, we don’t want to totally eliminate stress but instead learn how to manage it. When we are faced with stressful situations, our bodies react in a various ways. Our digestion slows down, breathing speeds up, heart races and blood pressure soars, perspiration cools the body, muscles tense, blood clots faster, and sugar and fats pour into the blood. With all of these things going on inside our bodies, it’s no wonder that too much stress can be harmful.
The first step in beginning to manage stress is to recognize that stress is starting to affect your life. The good news is that there are things you can do to help deal you with stressful situations.
1. It’s important to stay healthy so that you can handle stress better.
2. Lean on your friends and family for support.
3. Always remember to have fun.
4. The more you believe in yourself, the harder it is for stress to get you down.
5. Hone your communication skills to reduce miscommunication.
6. Learn coping skills such as meditation, visualization, relaxation and biofeedback.
7. Try to look at the bright side.
Stress is a part of your life. You should try to determine how to solve the problem, adapt to the problem or accept it and the fact that you can't change it. Additionally, taking control of your life and anticipating problems before they occur can help reduce stress. It's important to keep things in perspective and determine their priorities and worst case scenarios.
Managing stress is up to each individual. It's all about changing one's point of view and taking control of their life, health and happiness. Doing these things will help to add true balance to life.
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