

Most powerful motivational quotes for success in life.

Most powerful motivational quotes for success in life

Here we go -

"All ours dreams comes true if we have the courage to pursue them".
"If you do what you always did, You wil get what you always Got".
"Do one things every day that scares you".
"The starting point of all acheivements  is desire ".
"Try not to become a person of success But rather try to become a person of value".
"Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm".
"Great mind discuss ideas; Average mind discus events; Small mind siscuss people".
"Dont raise your voice, improve your arguments".

"What seems to us as bitter trail are often blessing in disguise".
"When you step chasing the wrong things you give the right thing a chance to catch you".
"No masterpeice was created by a lazy artist".
"Every great story on the planet happened when someone decided not to give up, but keep going no matter what".
"The secreat of getting ahead is getting started".
"Don't let what you cannot do, Interfere with what you ca do".
"Being defeated is often a temporary condition, Giving up is what is permanent".
"It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you do not stop".
"You must except great things of youself before you can do them".
"Nothing great ever came that easy".

"The number one reason People fail in life is Because they listen to their friends, family, and neighbours".
"Believe you can and you're halfway there".
"You dont have to be great to start But you have to start to be great".
"Perfection is not attainable, But if we chose perfection we can catch excellence".
"Good things come to people who wait, But better things comes to those who go out and get them".
"Be miserable, or motivate yourself, whatever had to be done, Its always you choice".
"What's the point of being alive if you don't at least try to do something remarkable".
"Yo accomplish great things, we must not only act, But also dream, not only plan, but also Believe".

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