

Everyone can succeed. All are born to win.

"You are born to succeed!"  What does this phrase make you feel? Indeed you are born to succeed. Anyone who tells you something else does not know a great truth. But make no mistake about it - success does not come to you by itself. Success is for anyone who makes the best of his/her talents and opportunities.

Everyone can succeed. All are born to win. God does not create junk! People achieve success because they do the following three things:
1.   They want to succeed.
2.   They learn how to succeed.
3.    They preserve till they reach their goal. They are prepared to pay the price of success!


SUCCESS is relative. It means different thing to diffirent people.

Ron LeFlore was a moderately successful thief who became a greatly successful baseball player. For some people success may be the development of a vibrant personality; to others, the establishment of a fine home and a happy family, to others, having great wealth and power; etc......However, everyone would agree that success includes: freedom from fear, worry, anxiety, frustration and failure in life, and achieve peace of mind, self respect, sufficient money, etc. When we reach what we set out to achieve, we are successful. 

Laksmi Niwas Mittal, the owner of the largest steel making company in the world, and the richest Indian, says "Success isn't about counting your millions, but about achieving new targets. It is this success that brings me personal satisfaction, rather than how much money I have made along the way. "

Dalr Carnegie writes, "when I first came to New York I joined the American Academy of Dramatic Arts. I wanted to be an actor. I had what I thoughts was a brilliant idea, a short cut to success. It was an idea so simple, so foolproof, that I could'nt umderstand why thousands of others hadn't already discovered it. It was this: I would study how famous actor get their effects. Then I would emitate the best pount of each one of them and make myself into a shining, wonderful combination of all of them. How silly! How absurd! I had to waste years of my life imitating other people before I understand that I had to be myself, and that I could'nt possibly be anyone else."

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