

How to achieve success.

Here are some of the important ways: How you can achieve success 
1. Believe that you can Positive thinking can and does work miracles. If you believe that you can. Believe in yourself. Make the most of your life. Success comes in "cans."  Failure comes in "can'ts."

2. Know where you are goingDo you know what you want from your life? If you have a purpose in life and the determination to achieve that purpose, life is full of adventure, and success is certain. Set goals for yourself.

3. Observe and listen : when asked about the secret of his success, Charles Darwin said that he was good at noticing things which escape the attention of most people, and at observing them carefully. Listen to people. You can always learn from them. People who are pleased because you listen to them will also be happy to help you. 

4. Make use of all your resources : Most people do not know even their talents, gifts and powers. They hardly use 10% of their capacities. It takes a lot of hard work to develop the talents you have.

5. Be aware of your limits : It takes courage to accept that certain things are not in your line. But this knowledge will prevent you from wasting time on things which are not meant of you. There is a great variety of avhievements we can choose from. 

6. Look for success in the right place : A man was once searching for his car key outside hos home.His neighbour join him in the search. After thirty minutes of fruitless search, the neighbour asked, "where did you drop you key?""Oh, "he replied," I dropped in my bedroom. "" But why are you looking for it outside, if you dropped it inside the house? " she asked, "I have no light inside the house; so I came out here to look under the streetlight, "he said. How foolish! The easiest thing to do is not always the right thing to do.

7. Take God as your partner : With God as your partner you can be sure of success. Your plan for success will then be founded on honesty and sorrounded by kindness, love and generosity. Your plan will never fail because you will judge your success not by the results alone, but also by how you achieve them. 'If God be with us, who can be against us?' -- Bible
8. Help others succeed : This may sound strange. The more you help other people succeed, the more success you have. "What goes around, comes around, " say the Americans. Develop a win-win attitude. Win by helping others to win. Help a weaker one. Share your ideas, your knowledge. When you help other succeed, you promote you own success.

9. Face defeat bravely : The life of any great person is not the life of an uninterrupted series of successes: 

Failed in business, 1831
Defeated for state legislature, 1832
Again fail in business, 1833
Elected to lagislature, 1834
Sweetheart died, 1835
Had a nervous breakdown, 1936
Defeated for Speaker, 1838
Defeated for Elector, 1840
Defeated for land office, 1843
Defeated for Congress, 1843
Elected to congress, 1846
Defeated for Congress, 1848
Defeated for senate, 1855
Defeated for vice-presidency, 1856
Defeated for senate, 1858
Elected president, 1860
How many of us can live with such a series of defeats? It is true that Lincoln had great natural talents and gifts; but the greatest gift God gave him was the courage not to allow defeats to defeat him parmenately. Greatness and success await all who rise above their failures, and use defeats as stepping-stones to victory. 

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