

10 Benefits Of Exercise To Get You Motivated Into Moving!


Women doing yoga exercise

10 Benefits Of Exercise To Get You Motivated Into Moving!

Regular exercise has both immediate and long-lasting effects. If you're a busy mum or a working lady looking for a little inspiration to get started on a new exercise routine, here are 10 benefits of exercising and how it can improve your life.

We all know about some benefits of exercising but did you know that regular exercise has both immediate and long-lasting effects? But, whist the physical benefits of exercising may be obvious, it's often not enough to get us motivated into actually getting moving. To get the benefits of exercising, just 30 minutes of exercise a day is all that is needed to drastically improve your health.

But often it's not easy breaking the habit of a sedentary lifestyle. If you're looking for a little inspiration to get started on a new exercise regime.

Here are 10 bigger benefits of exercising and how it can improve your life.

1. It Improves Your Health.

There are so many health benefits of losing weight that it's impossible to list them all here! By getting fit you'll reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, heart disease and much more.

2. You'll Have More Energy.

Research has shown that regular exercise helps to reduce tiredness. Even though exercise in itself can be tiring, one of the main benefits of exercising is the fact that it will ultimately leave you feeling more energized.

3. It Helps You Sleep Better.

You will start to find it easier to get a good night's sleep when you exercise regularly. This contributes to the energy boost that you'll get from exercise in the long term.

4. Improve Your Mood.

One of the mental benefits of exercise is that it actually helps to improve your mood. Each time you exercise your body produces endorphins that help to make you feel good. Exercise really does give you a natural high!

5. It Lowers Your Stress Levels.

Stress levels can be greatly reduced with exercise. If you frequently suffer from stress, or even mental heath problems like depression and anxiety, regular exercise can help to minimize your symptoms.

6. Makes You Look Better.

Exercise for weight loss does get results. If you feel unhappy about yourself because you are overweight and not toned, then losing weight can help you to look and feel better.

7. Play With Your Kids.

It takes a lot of energy to keep up with your children. By losing weight and getting fit, you'll be able to run around with them without continually getting out of breath. This can be one of the most fulfilling benefits of exercising as it helps you to enjoy life more.

8. Increase Your Strength and Stamina.

Do you find it hard to go on long walks, even though you want to? Or maybe even carrying shopping bags up the stairs is a struggle? Exercise more and you'll eventually be able to handle these activities without any problem.

9. A Sense Of Accomplishment.

When you start to exercise for weight loss and see the improvements you are making each week, you'll really get the feeling that you've accomplished something worthwhile.

10. Keep Your Independence Later In Life.

The more you can exercise now, the more you can reduce the effect of certain health problems later in life. Simply speaking, keeping fit and healthy now will help you to remain independent as late into life as possible.

Top 10 Tips to Stay Motivated on your Exercise Program / Physical Activity

Women and daughter doing exercise

1. Know your Reasons

Think about why you want to exercise and write down every reason you can think of. Explain in full detail what working out is going to do for your life and your health. And reread your list whenever your motivation needs a boost.

2. Set Daily and Weekly Goals

Although it's good to think big, don't just set yourself a long-term goal because it can seem too distant from where you are now. If you have a daily or weekly challenge then you have something to achieve and motivate you right here, right now. Make sure your goals are just a little bit stretching - doing too much too soon is a prime cause of injury and exercise drop-out.

3. Track Your Progress

Keep a log of all your workouts. It's amazing how quickly your fitness will improve and seeing your progress in black and white will help spur you on to keep going. Even in the early days when the going is tough and you might not have noticed any changes in your body and fitness levels an activity log gives you something to be proud of.

4. Plan to Succeed

You have to set aside time for working out and schedule it as if it's an appointment that can't be missed. Block out the time in your calendar and treat it like a doctor's appointment. Your health depends on it just as much.


5. Do Something Daily

Once you've got an exercise program going it helps if you do something active every day just so that you keep your mind focused on your goals. You probably don't have time to fit in a workout every day but any activity is fine - walking, dancing, running, housework, gardening - just something that keeps your mind and body in exercise mode.

6. Have a Plan B

The path towards fitness doesn't always run smoothly. Be flexible if muscle strain or extra work pressure prevents you from doing your usual routine. Try going to the gym before work or plan a different activity which does not affect your injured muscle to keep going when life gets in the way.

7. Don't Ask Whether Ask When

Consider working out as an important element of your life and make it part of your routine. Don't even get into a conversation with yourself about whether you'll exercise today, just make plans and do it. No matter how much you don't feel like working out, you'll be amazed how good you'll feel once you get going.

8. Find a Workout Buddy

Look for a workout partner with similar goals and level of fitness to make exercise more enjoyable and add a little healthy competition. Plus, you'll find it's harder to skip a workout if someone is relying on you. If you don't have a friend who wants to get fit, consider investing in a personal trainer to keep you motivated.

Related : Fitness Workouts: 3 Misconceptions You Need to Know about

9. Make it Fun

Prevent boredom by trying new activities and using a variety of ways of working out. Just because it's fun doesn't mean you won't get fit. How about trying salsa-dancing, scuba-diving, skiing or roller-blading? Even something as simple a adding intervals to your usual routine can give you a new level of interest.

10. Believe You Can

You'll be healthier, fitter and change your whole body shape if you stick at your exercise program. Change is possible for you just as it has been for so many others before you who have transformed themselves with exercise. Acknowledge that you can experience those results for yourself just by keeping going with your fitness program. You can do it, you really can!

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