

11 Steps on How to Achieve the Ultimate Body Transformation


Getting rid of pot belly fitness transformation

11 Steps on How to Achieve the Ultimate Body Transformation

You have seen those amazing body transformation success stories plaguing the flashy fitness magazines and fitness websites.

You ask yourself, are these people for real? Did they really do that in 12 weeks? HOW did they do that in 12 weeks?

I will tell you exactly how those ultimate body transformation success stories are so successful, and this information dips well below the basic dieting and exercise information.

When most people venture onto a body transformation goal they outline the prefect plan and start it full force at the beginning of the week. They are die-hard, and by the middle of the second week they have usually burned out.

Sound familiar?

If your body transformation program fizzles out before you get it started.

These 11 steps will be a great help and give you the advantage on your next body transformation journey.

Step #1 – The Primary Rule

Before you even get started with your body transformation challenge you need to set the primary rule, which is to set goals. If your body transformation process entails 12 weeks, break your goals down into a few short-term goals and one long-term goal. If you fail to take advantage of the primary rule, you may as well stop now.

Step #2 – The Closing Date

Along with writing out your goals you need to end your plan with a deadline. Everyone has a starting date, but very few write down a closing date, the actual date they plan to finish their program. If you don't give yourself a deadline to attain your goals you won't finish your program and you won't be a body transformation success.

Step #3 – Scheme of Combat

After you get your goals set in stone with a deadline in place you need to create a plan of action. This plan is the course you must take each day to ensure daily success that will take you to your ultimate goal.

An example of a coordinated plan is to write out exactly what you will do each day to make each day successful, such as eating 6 meals a day, drinking a gallon of water, working out, etc.

In your starting notes, jot down your scale weight, body fat percentage, body measurements, and take pictures of yourself from 4 different views (front, back, and each side).

Step #4 – Dedicate and Commit

Once you have all your ducks lined up, start your plan of action. Put it into full effect Monday morning. Follow it as outlined each day. Make your plan of action a part of your daily life.

Keep in mind that just because you have goals set and written, an action plan, and started your new transformation journey doesn't guarantee success. If you want to be a transformation success you have to stay dedicated to your plan of action.

This dedication isn't an on and off relationship, it's the whole kit-n-caboodle. You start fresh Monday morning and follow through each day 100%, no swaying, no cheats, just pure dedication and commitment. It's only 12 weeks.

Step #5 – Sneak a Quick Peek

After your first two weeks on your transformation program take your stats to see what changes have occurred. Is there a change in weight and/or body fat percentage? Have your measurements changed? Can you see visual changes in the mirror and how your clothes fit?

Note any changes, good or bad, and use that as information to tweak your program to keep you moving in the direction you want to go.

Step #6 – 30 Day Photo Shoot

After a full month of staying 100% dedicated to your plan of action take some more full body pictures of all 4 angels (front, back, and each side).

These 30 days updated pictures are ammunition to better tweak your program. Put them side-by-side to your starting pictures. Note any physical visual changes.

Step #7 – One Month Evaluation

Also, at your 30 day photo shoot, evaluate your one-month's progress. Check your weight and body fat percentage and measurements again. Note any changes.

After one month of being fully dedicated to your program you should have stat numbers and photos that give you good insight on how well you are doing on your program.

If everything is going according to your plan, then keep on that same course of action. If you are not transforming you need to modify and make changes to your diet or cardio.

Step #8 – If It Is Not Broken, Don't Fix It

A big mistake many people make when doing a transformation challenge is they "tweak" every few days if the scale is not showing them the number they want to see. Tweak your plan only when it's necessary. A tweak is a small change, not an overhaul of your program.

Step #9 – Excuse Me

If you want to be a transformation success story, stop making excuses such as "I cheated because it was my birthday," "I had to attend a luncheon," "my kids have (fill in blank) practice," "I went out and had a few drinks," etc.

These excuses are just that, excuses, and excuses are the path to nowhere. If you want to be a transformation success story, stop the excuses and just do what is required.

Step #10 – Can the Self Trash-Talk

NEVER talk or think about yourself in a negative sense. If you refer to yourself or pictures as "fat," fat butt," "fat a$$" that's what you will become. No successful bodybuilder, figure or fitness competitor, or transformation success story refers to themselves as fat. They only visualize themselves in the shape they want to be in, and speak of themselves in a positive frame of mind.

You can absolutely alter your thinking to produce the results you want, but you have to think and speak in positive terms. Hoping for a fit body but thinking and speaking negatively is worthless.

Your mind is a powerful tool so use it to your advantage!

Related : 3 Steps to Deepen Your Mindfulness Practice

Step #11 - Repeat

Repeat steps 4-10 times every thirty days until you reach your deadline or ultimate goal.

Transformation Solution: A Review

woman kneeling besides man

Transformation Solution by Bill Phillips is the latest trend in weight loss. It is quite interesting that this program is highly recommended by a lot of well-respected fitness gurus. The program has spawned a lot of impressive success stories and doesn’t it make you wonder if this program is right for you?

First things first, you have to realize that no two people are alike. There are always different results for different people. In this premise, you should look at all the weight loss programs and diet plans that are made available for a lot of people today. There isn’t any guarantee that a certain program that had wonderful results for your friend will also work for you. But then again, as with all the other programs and plans out there, results will always depend on you!

This Transformation Solution review will try to see whether this popular program will be perfect for you.

This program is not for people who give up easily. You probably have heard a couple of times; losing weight is first and foremost a lifestyle change! This is not called Transformation Solution Program for nothing!

Above all else, this program aims at transforming any user’s lives. Staying true to its purpose of helping people lose weight, this program includes cookbooks to guide you with what foods to eat and exercise routines to help you achieve your goal. So where does transforming lives come in? This program goes beyond the physical aspect to losing weight.

If you continue reading The Transformation Solution Review, you will find out how this program will help transform lives.

Related : How To Take Control of Your Life In 7 Easy Steps

Every person’s weight loss journey is never easy and this program is an extensive program. It requires you to be focused, determined, and motivated. The main difference of this weight loss program from all the others is that it doesn’t specify what foods you need to eat, nor it will not require you to perform over the top exercises. However, the overall process is quite demanding. The focal point of this weight loss program is to empower you to completely change your life for the better.

Achieving the perfect body is never easy. This program includes many testimonials from people who were successful in losing weight and in changing their lives through this program. Reading a lot of success stories is really inspiring because you, yourself, are going through the process they went through. The road to success is not always a straight line. There are twist and turns, not to mention bumps. You will be surprised to find out that there is only one thing that is common among those success stories, these people took it upon themselves to face the challenges and work very hard to achieve their goals.

It is also important to make mention that this program deals so much with the emotional aspect of losing weight. It is all about the mental process that you have to go through so that you can lose the weight and prevent it from coming back.

This program is more of a mind game rather than a physical game so to speak. If you are one with an open mind and willingness to make a change within yourself, then you are likely to succeed. This program might be right for you. If you are up for the challenge, if you are more than ready to stay focused and dedicated to Transformation Solution in the next few weeks of your life then you are ready. Make it work!


It's not enough to just want to transform your body, you have to have a passion for it. You have to have determination. You have to do what it takes even if you don't feel like it. Successes always go that extra mile to be their best.

Do what it takes every day and follow through on your program 100% every day you will be the one shining in the spotlight of victory.

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