Top 10 Traits Of Highly Successful People
We have all read about people who are successful briefly. They win a gold medal, make a fortune, or star in one great movie…and then disappear. Or, there are those like Marilyn Monroe and Howard Hughes who achieve extraordinary success, at the cost of their own lives. These examples do not inspire me!
My focus and fascination is with people who seem to do well in many areas of life, and do it over and over through a lifetime. In entertainment, I think of Paul Newman and Bill Cosby. In business, I think of Ben and Jerry (the ice cream moguls), and a local hardware store owner who is famous for the money he’s give to children’s charities. As a Naval Officer, husband, businessman, politician and now as a mediator and philanthropist on the world stage, Jimmy Carter has had a remarkable life. We all know examples of people who go from one success to another.
These are the people who inspire me! I’ve studied them, and I’ve noticed they have the following traits in common:
1. They work hard! Yes, they play hard, too! They get up early, they rarely complain, they expect performance from others, but they expect extraordinary performance from themselves. Repeated, high-level success starts with a recognition that hard work pays off.
2. They are incredibly curious and eager to learn. They study, ask questions and read – constantly! An interesting point, however: While most of them did well in school, the difference is that they apply or take advantage of what they learn. Repeated success is not about memorizing facts, it’s about being able to take information and create, build, or apply it in new and important ways. Successful people want to learn everything about everything!
3. They network. They know lots of people, and they know lots of different kinds of people. They listen to friends, neighbors, co-workers and bartenders. They don’t have to be “the life of the party”, in fact many are quiet, even shy, but they value people and they value relationships. Successful people have a rolodex full of people who value their friendship and return their calls.
4. They work on themselves and never quit! While the “over-night wonders” become arrogant and quickly disappear, really successful people work on their personality, their leadership skills, management skills, and every other detail of life. When a relationship or business deal goes sour, they assume they can learn from it and they expect to do better next time. Successful people don’t tolerate flaws; they fix them!
5. They are extraordinarily creative. They go around asking, “Why not?” They see new combinations, new possibilities, new opportunities and challenges where others see problems or limitations. They wake up in the middle of the night yelling, “I’ve got it!” They ask for advice, try things out, consult experts and amateurs, always looking for a better, faster, cheaper solution. Successful people create stuff!
6. They are self-reliant and take responsibility. Incredibly successful people don’t worry about blame, and they don’t waste time complaining. They make decisions and move on. Sometimes they are criticized for taking this to extremes – Jimmy Carter carried his own briefcase and a President “shouldn’t” do that! Extremely successful people take the initiative and accept the responsibilities of success.
7. They are usually relaxed and keep their perspective. Even in times of stress or turmoil, highly successful people keep their balance, they know the value of timing, humor, and patience. They rarely panic or make decisions on impulse. Unusually successful people breath easily, ask the right questions, and make sound decisions, even in a crisis.
8. Extremely successful people live in the present moment. They know that “Now” is the only time they can control. They have a “gift” for looking people in the eye, listening to what is being said, enjoying a meal or fine wine, music or playing with a child. They never seem rushed, and they get a lot done! They take full advantage of each day. Successful people don’t waste time, they use it!
9. They “look over the horizon” to see the future. They observe trends, notice changes, see shifts, and hear the nuances that others miss. A basketball player wearing Nikes is trivial, the neighbor kid wearing them is interesting, your own teenager demanding them is an investment opportunity! Extremely successful people live in the present, with one eye on the future!
10. Repeatedly successful people respond instantly! When an investment isn’t working out, they sell. When they see an opportunity, they make the call. If an important relationship is cooling down, they take time to renew it. When technology or a new competitor or a change in the economic situation requires an adjustment, they are the first and quickest to respond.
These traits work together in combination, giving repeatedly successful people a huge advantage. Because they are insatiable learners, they can respond wisely to change. Because their personal relationships are strong, they have good advisors, and a reserve of goodwill when things go bad. And finally, none of these traits are genetic! They can be learned! They are free and they are skills you can use. Start now!!
Four Qualities Of A Highly Successful Person

What separate a regular person from a highly successful person? What make a person stand out from the rest? Related : 33 Habits Of Highly Successful People You should Learn. What are the ingredients that made some person perform better despite the lack of favorable background and environment? Here, we will learn how to make our body and mind ready for making actions in the level that is good enough to bring us across success borderline and enjoy every minute that we live as though this is the world of our dream.
Although successful people do have problems and challenges in life like others, they know how to handle them effectively. They understand to concentrate on some qualities of their life to make them feel fulfilled. The elements include:
1. Take good care of their body: Body and Mind can not be separated in a normal individual. A poor body can not effectively deliver powerful mind and thinking. Successful people know how to take care of their body. They learn about nutrition and strictly control themselves to have healthy food. They do not eat what is considered dangerous and can lead their body into long term malfunction. There are many books on nutrition that we can look for either in the bookstores, library or internet. Continuously practice good nutrition will help us having good body and later good mind. Successful people also have enough exercise to make their body work adequately. When we exercise, our circulatory system helps bringing what our body need including nutrients and oxygen to the cells and bring out waste from the cell to outside. This is why exercise is important for everybody. The exercise should be at least thirty minutes continuously and it should be done everyday. If we do not have enough time or not convenient doing it. Make it at least three or four times a week. This is a must for our performance in all areas of live.
2. Feeling of gratitude: Successful people thank for what they are having no matter how severe challenges they may have. They focus on what they are having and make it clear to their mind. They cherish their love, relationship, status, and connection to their spiritual leader. They feel thankful everyday to what make out to be their current status. Most people live on fear and worry. However, we will not feel fear and worry if we feel grateful on what we have. Therefore making a daily schedule that we will feel grateful is crucial to our success.
3. Visualization: What is your ultimate goal? What are your small detailed goals? What do you want one month from now? How about five years and ten years from now? Do you have a clear picture of yourself achieving each one of them? If not, practice visualization every day until we finally get it. Visualization will help us bring all the circumstances and attributes that are favorable to our achievement according to the law of attraction. Make sure that we visualize daily both in the morning and before going to bed. All the mind experts already confirm that routine visualization will guarantee success in your life.
4. Positive affirmation: Reminding yourself on the quality that you want. Recite it all the time with the feeling and intense demand to our body and mind. Think of some sentences or phrases that you are sure that will be your identity. For example, we can say " I like myself" as Brian Tracy recommends. All we can do " Everyday in everyway, I am feeling better and better" like what Tony Robbins teaches. Make one that is suitable to you. This will change your life if you do it often enough with intense enough emotion.
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