I purposely saved the challenge for last because it's probably the most common problem that people face when it comes to pursuing their goals. It seems impossible to keep pushing forward when you lose that inner fire, does'nt it ?

Once you begin working towards your goals, your motivation begin to wane.
It's not always easy to stay motivated. We might start out strong, but somewhere along the way we may falter. Even if external factors cooperate - we don't love our job even though the economic tasks, we have a boss that support us in reaching for goals and we collegues, family, and friends that help to keep us focused, we can still struggle to stay positive and moving forward. It's part of being human to face anxiety, uncertainity, or even depression. But what separates the truly successful person from the average person is the ability to understand why you are failing de-motivated, respond to that reason, and then keep on moving forward.
"What distinguishes the truly successful person from the average person is the ability to understand why you are feeling de-motivated, respond to that reason, and then keep on moving forward.
There are three main reason that people tend to loss motivation from time to time. You can refer to these as 'motivation killer'. These are
- Lack of confidence - Why would you continue to try to do something if you don't believe that you can do it ? You would only be setting yourself up for failure. This makes sense - it's actually a form of self- protection when you think about it. But you will need to boost your confidence level if you are going to regenerate your motivation and get back on track.
- Lack of focus - You don't know exactly what is that you want, so why should you take action untill you do ? or you might find yourself scattered across so many different goals that you are finding it difficult to complete any of them.You may need to concentrate your efforts so that you can begin making achievements even if they are small which will encourage you to move on to the next goal and the next so on.
- Lack of direction - If you know what you and what you want and you believe that you can do it, but you just don't know how to get started, you can get stopped instead of motivated. But sometimes just staying in action can be important even if you aren't exactly sure which action to take. The good news is that if you can educate yourself on the necessary steps, you should be able to resolve restore your motivation.
There are many ways to re-ignite your motivation, but I'll share some of the ones that have been most effective for me below :
- Take a Break : Believe it or not, stepping back for a day or two can do wonders for your state of mind! If you notice that you're feeling irritable and frustrated a lot, you may be pushing too hard and burning yourself out. This is especially true when you're trying to FORCE results to happen. Step back and take some time off to get back to it again.

- Change Your Approach : You may be feeling bored or uninspired by the action steps you're wishing you'd never set the goal at all. But remember that your original plan,if it's not working for you. Change it up! Go back over your objectives and see if you can comes up with alternate steps, that you would enjoy more. The changes themselves don't matter except for one thing : that they get you fired up and eager to proceed once again.
- Get angry : Anger can be incredibly motivating at times! One good way to feul your motivation again is to take a look at your current life circumstances. Think about what you've accomplished better. Can you also do better in the future ? Can you do better right now ? Are you sick and tired of holding yourself back ? Get mad about it ! Get mad at your-self limiting beliefs, at your self-doubt, and your fear. Use your anger to feul an iron determination. It really works !
- Blind yourself up : This is similar to the above suggestion, but a little more on the positive side. Rather than stimulating your anger, stimulate your confidence, inner strength and power. Think about the things you've done in the past that you were proud of, and imagine all that you can still accomplish. Imagine feeling satisfied and fulfilled with your life circumstances, being proud of who you are and all you've done(and will do yet). Affirmation that you are much stronger than you usually think you are, and inspire yourself to push right through feelings of lethargy and boredom.
- Rekindle your excitment : When you first set your goals, you were fired up just by the idea of achieving them, and you can easily get that fire back by mentally revisiting what you want to accomplish. Express your feelings of joy and satisfaction for having this new experience in your life, whatever the achievement of your goal will create.