One of the most commonly debated and researched fields in the business world is motivation. Why do people do what they do and how we motive others to what we and how we motive others to do what we need them to do in business place ? If we understand how and why people are motivated, we can encouraged them to be their best and do their best at work. The more the people are motivated to be succesful and achieve the goals set for them, the more their confidence in their own abilities will grow as well, which can in turn, make them even more motivated.
But you can also work on your own confidence and motivation in the workplace in order to achieve your goals and intentions. When people are confident and motivated at work, there are many positive factors that results in the work place. Such As -
- Job satisfaction improves
- Efforts increase
- Working enviroment improves
- Results are the focus
- Drive is created
- Everyone's full potential can be tapped
- Everyone is certain of the role they are to fulfill
We all know people who are confident. They seem to face life's obstacles with a level of calm that is enviable. They get into action to respond to a problem before giving themselves time to dwel or worry to much. Confident people are more successful at work because they have a belief in their own abilities to the point that they feel comfartable handling whatever comes at them. Make a presentation to the board ? No problem - the confident person plans and exercise the presentation without allowing fear to stop them. When someone is confident, they:
- Focus on their strength while managing their weakness.
- Aren't afraid to take risks.
- Enjoying challenging themselves and setting high goals.
- Seek out self-improvement opportunities.
- Aren't afraid to admit whom they make a mistake.
- Make good team leaders or mentors.
- Can relates to customers or company members at any level of the organization.
- Are honest about their shortcomings.

All of us have a desire to achieve something in our lives. We want to know that we have achieved something important, of value, of quality, or of meaning. Being motivated to meet our goals means that we are able to :
- Improve our self-confidence
- Enhance our self-discipline
- Set examples for ourselves of what we can achieve
- Challenge ourselves to stretch beyond our personal limits
- Enjoy the recognition or perks associated with reaching our goals.