

5 Ways to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

Women with positive attitude

 5 Ways to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

A positive mental attitude makes everything about life more enjoyable and gives you a greater appreciation for what you have.

Sometimes life challenges can be a bit much and putting on that 'happy face' is not so easy without having positive thoughts to back it up.

Read on to see 5 behavioral habits you can practice that will help create the positive change you want to enjoy your life to the fullest.

A positive mental attitude is one of the most important assets you can posses. Not only do positive thoughts help to dissolve your stress but they also have a positive impact on your physical health as well. The importance of this state of mind can not be overlooked in how it affects our performance both socially and professionally. In fact your attitude is directly related to the degree of success you may experience in just about any endeavor. With all that said how can we can develop and maintain the proper mindset needed to perform at our best and enjoy optimal health as well?

Here are 5 behavioral habits you can practice and adapt to your lifestyle to help create the positive change you are looking for.

1. Create a Positive Environment

Become more aware of the way you think because this is what forms the foundation of your attitude. If you 'condition' yourself to always think in terms of positive thoughts your outward mood will reflect this. Do not wait for something good to happen to create this positive change for you but rather create the change by altering the way you think.

2. Do Not Give Up

Be realistic and understand that events or occurrences will NOT always go the way you expect or desire. One thing certain about life is it will present you set backs but it is up to you as to how you choose to deal with them. If you view these set backs as lessons to be learned you are more likely to reach your goal as opposed to giving up and walking away.

By quitting you now feel defeated and disappointed but by sticking to it success will be that much more gratifying. Count on set backs and plan on working through them when they occur!

3. Just Laugh

Find humor in whatever you can since laughter automatically puts a smile on your face and makes you feel good inside. There is no better way to break the tension or snap out of a 'funk' than by laughing.

4. Live in the Moment

Capture and relish the good and the beauty of every moment as it occurs and do not spoil it by worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. Yesterday is now the past and tomorrow has yet to occur so appreciate what it is you got in the present!

5. Expect Good Things

Learn to expect the best out of every situation with the understanding that you deserve good things. When you are thinking along these lines your mood is more upbeat as is your disposition. You are now more attractive to others due to the feelings you radiate. When you combine your positive outlook with that of others who think or feel the same way it dramatically increases your well-being and also your chances of success.

A positive mental attitude can give you the leverage you need to create and live a happy and rewarding life. Being able to avoid a continual build up of stress by maintaining positive thoughts helps improve our personal performance and also enjoy better health. It is not however always easy to put on the 'happy face.' Sometimes it is necessary to consciously take certain measures that will have a positive impact on your attitude. The 5 behavioral habits reviewed above, if practiced, can give you the positive change you need to produce and maintain a happy and productive mindset.

5 Undeniable Benefits of a Positive Mental Attitude

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A positive mental attitude gives you numerous advantages and offers many benefits if you care to look closely.

Employing the power of positive thinking make everything easier and even helps to get you better results.

Read more to see 5 undeniable benefits you can experience by maintaining a positive attitude.

A positive mental attitude is one of the most critical links we have between our success and happiness. In fact it would be fair to say that without a positive attitude it would be difficult to accomplish anything that can be considered worthwhile. Having the ability to maintain positive thoughts seems to make everything you do a lot easier and more enjoyable. There obviously exists a correlation between maintaining a positive attitude and achieving success and happiness in life.

Here are 5 undeniable benefits you experience from the power of positive thinking.

1. Boosts Feeling of Well Being

Having a positive attitude quite naturally results in boosting your spirits since in your mind everything is 'good' which promotes an upbeat mood. Even when something occurs of a more negative nature your current disposition helps you to quickly overcome it.

2. Boosts Motivation

When you are feeling good you are more likely to live your life and seek new experiences than if you were depressed. Positive thoughts boost the spirits and instill more of a 'can do' attitude giving you more motivation or drive to follow through on your efforts.

3. Increases Productivity

With an increase in motivation you obviously will be more productive in any tasks you may undertake. In addition to this it will also make any efforts you do exert seem much easier which in turn tends to keep you at the task longer.

Increase Productivity: Five Powerful Actions To Boost Up Productivity In Workplace

4. Leads to Accomplishments

Building on the increase in productivity a positive mindset can therefore help you to accomplish a lot more. With an increase in motivation which leads to more productivity you are much better able to stay focused for longer. The net result will be you simply get more done.

5. Attracts Others

Nobody wants to be around a negative person while on the other hand optimistic people generally attract others. Positive people are more pleasant and fun to be around and are also a great source of encouragement. With all that said who would not want to be around someone with a positive attitude.

A positive mental attitude is one of the greatest assets you can possess. In life or in business your positive thoughts heavily influence the ease with which you are able to achieve success or happiness. The 5 benefits we spoke of above that anyone can experience from utilizing the power of positive thinking are a compelling testimony to maintaining an upbeat mindset. When you are able to reduce your own stress while becoming more productive and attractive to others it seems there are no downsides to having a positive attitude. Try one on for size today to see what it can do for you!

Developing A Positive Mental Attitude In The 21st Century

We have all heard that positive thinking works miracles, and whilst that statement may be something of an exaggeration, it is true to say that positive thinking can go a long way to helping you change your life for the better. If you think in a positive way then you automatically begin to act in a more positive way, and the results you get in life are therefore more likely to be positive ones.

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Developing a positive mental attitude isn’t something that can be achieved in an instant because your thoughts are usually habitual, and habits take time to change. However, you can make an immediate start in learning to think in a more positive manner by applying the following principles:

#1 – Adopt A Positive Life Metaphor

We all have different metaphors to encapsulate how we perceive life to be. Some people describe life as being a test or trial. Others view it as a grind or, even worse, as a bitch. Whilst we are all free to hold our own opinions, none of these particular metaphors are tremendously empowering, and if you believe that life is a test, trial, grind or bitch then in truth that is what you will perceive it to be in your own experience.

Adopt a more positive life metaphor and you can immediately improve the way you perceive your life. View your life as a game and any problems your encounter will be perceived as challenges which you can overcome. Label your life a dream and you will find it easier to detach yourself from any negative emotions you might otherwise experience. Describe life as a party and you will usually increase the amount of fun you get from each day.

Changing the metaphor you use to describe your life won’t magically change what happens to you, but it will transform the way you perceive your daily experiences. This being the case, make sure you set yourself up for success by adopting a positive life metaphor. Select one from the list below or invent your own, and note the positive impact it has on your day to day life.

Life Is...

  • A game
  • A dream
  • A ride
  • A gift
  • A stage
  • A party
  • A movie
  • An adventure

#2 – Seek Out The Positive

We all know people who go through life seeking the negative side. These are the people who focus hard on finding reasons why nothing will work and why things will always go wrong instead. Tell them about your hard-earned promotion and they will tell you how tough it is to have so much responsibility. Tell them how much money you’ve saved and they’ll point out that it won’t buy you happiness. Tell them that you’ve met the love of your life and they’ll tell you that they give it three months.

The people who achieve and enjoy true personal success in life don’t do this. Instead they seek out the positive side of life as a matter of habit. When facing a problem they ask themselves, ‘How can I get something good from this?’ or ‘What can I learn from this experience?’ They view the proverbial glass as half-full instead of half-empty. They take their eyes off the mass of any cloud and look instead for the silver lining which they know is always there.

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Seeking out the positive side of life in this way might feel a little awkward at first - especially if you are used to focusing on the negative. However, if you practise this principle each day, then in a matter of weeks it will become second nature and you will wonder how you ever managed to live without it.

#3 – Talk Yourself Up

The third thing you can do to develop the necessary positive mental attitude is ‘talk yourself up’ with positive affirmations. All too often our internal dialogue expresses a constant stream of self-doubts, false limitations and negative commentaries which can all prevent us from achieving are true potential. Positive affirmations, when used regularly, allow us to gently ‘re-programme’ this internal chatter so that it begins to encourage and support our efforts instead of trying to sabotage them.

The best way to use affirmations is to start by sitting down and identifying any negative or disempowering self-talk which currently runs through your mind on a regular basis. Here are a few very common negative affirmations which you might look out for, but bear in mind that this list is by no means exhaustive:

  • I am too old / young / thin / fat / tall short.
  • Life is hard.
  • Change is difficult.
  • I am stupid / ugly / incapable / slow.
  • No one likes me.
  • Problems are insurmountable.
  • I can’t!
  • I am a poor student / wife / husband / lover / businessman.

When you are convinced that you have identified all the disempowering beliefs you currently hold about yourself and the world, replace them with new empowering affirmations, such as:

  • I am growing as a person.
  • Life is a breeze.
  • Change is easy if I am committed to changing.
  • I am intelligent / industrious / creative.
  • Everyone likes me.
  • Problems are opportunities in disguise.
  • Life is an Adventure and a Game.
  • I am a great student / wife / husband / lover / businessman.

Write your new positive affirmations down on a few index cards which you can carry around in your pocket and read them aloud to yourself three times each day. If possible, stand in front of a mirror to do this and speak each affirmation with as much conviction as you can muster. You might feel a little embarrassed doing this at first, but after a week or two it will become more natural, and after 21 days or so you will find that your mental attitude has improved quite noticeably.

#4 – Expect Success

A final tip for developing a strong positive mental attitude is to expect success. Each morning when you get out of bed, tell yourself that something wonderful is going to happen during the day, then continue with your normal routine with an expectant attitude.

This technique is incredibly simple, but very powerful. As you go through each day expecting success to show up, you will begin to think, speak and act a little differently. The changes in your attitude will be subtle at first, but before long you will find that you have actually become one of those positive, optimistic people that tend do so well in life. Even better, you will find that the more you expect success, the more it tends to show up. I can’t pretend to know how or why this happens, but it does, so start expecting success from this moment on.

Final Thought

By applying the four principles I have just described, you will automatically begin to create a positive mental attitude for yourself. Whilst a positive attitude alone won’t make all your dreams come true, it will serve as a strong foundation on which you can build the kind of life you have always wanted to have.

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