

Life motivation Booster: 3 Reasons Why Failure is your Key to Success

Life motivation Booster: 3 Reasons Why Failure is your Key to Success

Learn from failure text written in wooden frame

This article will show you that failing is not a bad thing at all. In fact, it can be your stepping stone towards success. Don’t let failures ruin your life motivation, instead make it your life motivation booster.

How many times did you fail?  And how many times did you try to get up?  This world is full of imperfections. Failures can oftentimes ruin your life motivation. It can hinder you from reaching the peak of success.

However, failing once or twice or more should not stop you from pursuing your goal…It should not damage your life motivation. Why?  Because failures can be your key to success.  And I have stated three of the major reasons why it will, in the end, lead you to your goal.

  •   It Gives You the Opportunity to Learn.             

Continuous learning is what makes successful people even more successful.  When you fail, you make mistakes, but what you should do is learn from those mistakes.  Learning every time can give you better skills, more knowledge and enhance your qualities. 

Someone told me once that “With great knowledge you’ll get greater opportunities and possibilities.”   I, myself, have proven that this is very true.  Wisdom and skillfulness can definitely help you make a difference in this world. Making a great difference in this world is a good life motivation for you.

Some famous personalities that proved "Success is the best revenge"

  •    It Allows You to Grow.

Continuously growing is one of the best advantages of having the right life motivation.

When we learn from our failures, we grow to a better individual.  Did you ever know a person who had never failed in his life?  I don’t know about you, but me, I never knew anyone who is perfect since birth. 

Nobody’s perfect right? Cliché as it is, still, it is true in every sense.  Let me just ask you this, how did you become the person you are today?  You didn’t actually start like that when came into this world. 

Growing makes you gain more experience…Experience will give you the chance to be a better person. You heard this before, “Experience is the best teacher.” Why?  Because in this process you can determine your weaknesses and your strengths and learn to maintain balance in your life; and use it to get the most out of yourself.

  •     It Keeps You Moving Forward.

Well trying will do you no harm at all.  In fact, it can lead you to your dreams.  However, failing and trying requires a lot of courage.  You must know how to overcome self doubt and give you best effort every time.  If you fail, you should not get discouraged.  You must not stop on the point where you have failed. 

If you give up, you will never get back on your feet; you will never reach success.  Remember, life should go on no matter what.  Besides, it doesn’t matter how many times you fail.  What matters is how you well you finish in the end.  That’s the best life motivation booster.  Visualizing how you’ll finish in the end and how it would feel to reach success.

Failure is not a bad thing at all.  A lot of great leaders and powerful people made their way to success because they failed, they learned, they grew and they kept moving on… You too can make a difference if you keep all these things in mind.  All your efforts combined with the right motivation can surely get you all the way to the top, regardless how many times you’ll fail. 

The Key To Success Is To Stop Fearing Failure - Here's How!

Image of failure quotes

Find out the six steps that you can take to overcome a fear of failure and develop a more confident, positive, success oriented mindset.

One of the key success secrets that you need to master is to learn how to get rid of your fear of failure. Fear of failure is a form of negative thinking that acts as an obstacle to success and dogs a lot of otherwise perfectly capable people.

Happily, just as it is possible to program the mind with a negative mentality, so it is possible to reprogram the mind with a positive mindset. In fact, a large number of the leading success mentoring experts you hear about today are people who have come through much tribulation of mind and suffered from just such a fear of failure as besets many people today. They discovered that the mind can be reprogrammed, and they took their discovery to heart and reprogrammed their minds, and consequently, their lives, for success.

You too can reprogramme your "mental default setting" and switch it from "negative" to "positive", from fear and self-doubt to courage, confidence and self-affirmation.

Here are six pointers to help you overcome your fear of success and get your mind to shift from negative thinking to positive thinking!

1. Understand how fear works to thwart your plans

Success does not come without setbacks or obstacles but in spite of them. When your fear of failure is too large, obstacles will occur as reasons not to continue. It is not actually the obstacles that stop you, but your lack of confidence, which causes you, like Pliable in Pilgrim's Progress, to turn back at the first obstacle.

2. Cut yourself some slack

Don't stress yourself out on a new project. Instead, give yourself a break, hang loose and relax for a while.

Leisure activities and relaxation will refresh you, put you in a positive frame of mind, and give you the space in which to find renewed inspiration.

3. One small step at a time...

Instead of trying to tackle an ambitious project head on, break it down into small, easily achievable steps. Write each step down as milestones on the path to the overall goal. As you complete each small step, you will grow in confidence and feel motivated to move on to the next task.

4. Start by doing something you are good at

Work on something you enjoy and are good at in order to build up your sense of self-esteem. Once you have increased your confidence in this way, you will find it easier to invest more effort in the projects that usually trigger your fear of failure.

5. Talk to yourself and boost your self-esteem

The root cause of fear of failure is usually low self esteem. Learn to carry on a positive inner dialogue with yourself and tell yourself about all the things you are good at. Learn to trust what you say to yourself about yourself more than the opinions of others.

6. Surround yourself with positive people

If those who are close to you tend to put you down, your low self esteem and fear of failure will be constantly reinforced by spending too much time in their company. Rather than spending too much time in a negative environment, seek out new companions who will offer you positive support and feedback, people who share common goals - even if you have to turn to the Internet to find them.

Final Thoughts

By following the six steps (each one a "success secret" in its own right) that I have outlined here, you progress towards a new positive "can do" mentality and see your fears for what they are, nothing more than chimeras of the mind.

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