Increase Productivity by Asking These Questions

Most people strive to be productive. Whether you’re a new entrepreneur or struggling in your own business, the pursuit of being productive can help you achieve your goals.
Prospecting for business opportunities has been proven to boost productivity. What about being productive in your business today?
You’re standing in your workplace and you know you should be doing something productive.
But there are piles of work to do and you don’t seem to have enough time to finish it all.
What’s more, the job of answering the phone has become your job too and you’re spending more time than you should answering the phone for customers or coworkers, but now it’s affecting your ability to get things done.
So, here are some questions you can ask yourself when you’re in this kind of situation to get you back on track:
- How productive are you right now? Do you feel you’re moving in the right direction?
- Are you doing what you love to do, or are you taking on more work than you could do?
- What are you missing out on by prioritizing things over finding your true purpose?
- What are you feeling guilty about, and how can you eliminate those feelings?
- What could you be doing right now to be more productive?
- What are you missing out on, or feeling guilty about, by thinking about this situation?
- What needs to change to get back on track?
- What is your true purpose in life, and how can you find more time for it?
- What is the best way to be productive today?
- How can you get yourself out of the rut you’re in and find more energy, happiness, and time for you?
These are some of the questions you can ask yourself today when you’re looking for ways to get more productive in your business or life. You can take the questions and change them around to your own business to find the answers to the questions you have about your business.
A companies knows how to help you with any of these questions and many more, using the practical advice and strategies you need to get things going again.
Check out what other small business owners from around the world have to say on productivity here.
It’s no secret that productivity is a key part of success. If you want to be the best in the business and find more time to do what you love, take the time to improve your productivity today.
The question you need to ask yourself is what you can do to be more productive today.
Is your business getting out of hand or feeling ineffective?
The best way to get your business back on track is by reading the right books, listening to the right experts, and taking the right advice.
Boost Up Productivity In these 5 Ways
How can you make the best use of your energy to increase productivity each day? Here are five actions that can increase productivity and leave energy to spare. They will also help you to achieve more balance between your work and personal life.
The key to increased productivity is to focus on managing actions and energy rather than time. I am going to refer to time as energy because using time always involves energy expenditure. Investing your energy wisely will provide you with additional energy in return.
1. Manage actions and priorities.
Time management is action-management. Think of time as physical and mental energy that you expend through actions. The feeling of "no time" can arise from too many priorities or unclear priorities. Neglected self-care can also leave one feeling unable to complete necessary tasks. Begin your day knowing exactly what you intend to do. Outlining the day on paper each morning is a great action-management technique.
What must you do before you can use your time-energy more efficiently?
2. Keep skills sharpened.
Keeping your skills sharpened will result in more productivity.
"I don't have time," is a common phrase that we've all used without giving it much thought. But what does it really mean? Time excuses signal (1) other priorities, (2) the need for action management, (3) the need for organization, (4) the need for physical or mental energy, or (5) the need to sharpen a skill.
Sharp skills allow completion of more actions with less effort. Sharpen fundamental skills frequently. Take courses that will keep you up to date with the latest information in your career. Routine skill sharpening in all aspects of life is a wise energy-management choice. Personal skills and career skills will often overlap, affecting productivity in both these areas.
What skills could you sharpen that would create more time-energy and productivity?
3. Focus purposefully.
Feelings of time scarcity crop up when thoughts or actions do not pertain to the purpose at hand. Actions that are off purpose do not support one's values or goals. Up goes stress; down goes productivity. Purposeful focus allows a sense of urgency without creating negative stress.
Create daily reminders to check your focus and action-priorities. Many reminder services are available without cost. Establish firm boundaries to prevent energy-consuming distractions. Be assertive to maintain those boundaries.
What distractions could you remove that would help to maintain a purposeful focus?
4. Stay flexible and ask for help.
Urgency is not inflexibility. Flexible plans allow for interruptions, schedule changes, and unforeseen events that you cannot control.

Flexibility also allows you to accept help from others. Attempting to do everything alone can create an energy imbalance in both your personal life and career. Act on your strengths and ask for qualified help with those things you cannot handle alone.
What thoughts or attitudes can you change to become more flexible, balanced, and productive?
5. Act decisively.
Act decisively on the commitments you make to your goals. All the pieces are rarely in place when starting something new. There will always be more to learn. Over-analysis and waiting for the perfect moment can obstruct a successful launch. Fears of either success or failure can hold you back.
Acknowledge fears and look past them to see the rewards of your actions. Move through fear by the power of faith in your purpose. Build momentum and keep learning as you move forward.
What could you accomplish if you made the commitment to begin today?
An Exercise to Increase Productivity
Begin by writing each productivity tip on a sheet of paper. Under each one, write down ways you have used this or a similar idea in the past. What were the results, and what would you do differently this time?
Keep these questions in mind also: "What shows up when I manage my actions appropriately? Where do I waste the most time-energy, and why? What is the payoff when I waste energy and perceive a lack of time? What has robbed me of productive energy in the past?"
Increase Productivity
Next, you will be thinking of five ways you can become more productive. Write your best answer to the question at the end of each productivity tip. Then write down a way you could apply each of the five actions to your current situation.
Keep these questions in mind also: "When I become as productive as I would like to be, what will be my reward? How could I increase my level of self-care to increase my productivity? What things need less attention and more attention in my life at this time?"
The five actions in this article will require ongoing effort. The way you answer these questions will change over time. However, you will find the results worthwhile. Begin taking action now and you will increase productivity with extra time-energy to spare.
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What are the 12 habits that destroy your focus and productivity?