Personal development. Get a life, goals and passion

All the time, we’re worried and worried. It’s a worrying life, but we need to be a life that inspires passion and other things like personal development. We’re trying to find ourselves. But it’s about learning to live like this. Learn to live like this. It’s not the personal development we’re looking for.
Why do people want personal development? It’s like someone with personal development. All these people have one goal. They don’t know what they want to do with their life. They want a life, development, responsibility, life goals.
One can do a lot of things that have nothing to do with personal development. You’re a personal development person, but what can you do now? Just make your personal life more meaningful, doing things that will make life better, living life, developing yourself, your goals. Get your life. Don’t be like someone who is not developing, not living life. It’s just a personal development, it’s not a personal life. It’s not life. What we have to do is have a life, develop ourselves, goals and passion.
Are you growing constantly? In a perpetual state of Personal Development and Self Improvement? Do you greet each morning with joy and wonder? Are you happy to be you and in this moment? If so then you have no need to read further.
If, however, you wake each morning feeling anything but joy and excitement. If you greet the day with a moan or trepidation. If you are unhappy with your life and the progress you have made thus far, then take hope. There is a way to become the winner you were born to be and I am about to show you it!
Perhaps as an adult you have tried to better your life many times only to hit road block after road block. This is a common occurrence for those of us who wish to create better lives and happier environments. Sometimes going or what you want can stir up strong negative emotions and beliefs, leaving you feeling like a failure or loser.
However, do you realise that you were born a winner? You are already a winner! You have achieved the seemingly impossible since the day of your birth. You learned to walk upright on two legs regardless of the fact that you fell many times trying. You learned an unbelievably complex language so well that you don’t need to think about what you’re saying, all you need to do is hold an image in mind and you can instantly vocalise it! You can say things to yourself in your mind and instantly express those thoughts on paper in the form of words and sentences that were once merely strange symbols to you. Without any conscious effort you can read a book and understand every word. Don't you think it's time to reclaim your birth right and, once again, become the winner that you truly are and apply it to every are of your life?
You were born with tremendous self-belief and self-confidence. You never thought for a moment that was anything that could stop you from having, doing or being anything you wanted. As you got older adults started to tell you that you had boundaries and limitations and slowly but surely you began to believe them. Thus as you progressed in your journey to adulthood you started to learn how to lose in the game of life. You lowered your expectations and began to believe that you were incapable of achieving certain things, should not expect to get what you want and on some level that you are undeserving of success, happiness and achievement.
In order to escape these feelings of disappointment, dissatisfaction and low self-esteem you learned escape mechanisms. You may use smoking, drinking, sex, TV, gambling, thrill seeking etc., as a form of escape(Bad Habits You Need To Stop). These habits are merely learned behaviour designed to cope with the feelings that drive them which are also learned. None of these states are natural to you!
Your natural state is of bliss, joy and wonderment – just look at a baby! This state of joy with no self-imposed feelings of limitation is the driving force behind success. In order to achieve success at your endeavours you must first remove the negative beliefs and feelings that were programmed into your subconscious mind at an earlier age and thus start to uncover your successful, blissful, natural, winning state.
The Personal Development Industry and Self Improvement field have developed numerous methods for removing your self-imposed limiting beliefs in order to uncover the real unlimitedness and joy within you.
The tools available to create inner change range from hypnosis and sound therapy, at one end of the spectrum, to visualization and energy work, at the other. In order to eliminate your own resistance and the negative thoughts and feelings which are holding you back from the life you want you must seek the appropriate tools. There are a myriad of techniques, tools and instruments to help you in this objective. You are a self-fulfilling prophecy. We all create our own worlds. You are creating your tomorrows today!
To achieve success and uncover your true inner joy it is extremely important to monitor your self-talk – the inner dialogue that is constant throughout your day. By doing this you can identify your own self-defeating views about yourself and your world. Become aware of how you use you internal voice. Look at the way in which you internally talk about yourself, others and the world in general. If something goes wrong do you immediately blame others, yourself, the world or even God? Do you expect to succeed or fail? Look at your views and identify what your self-talk is telling you about your self-imposed limitations.
Once you have identified these false limitations that you hold you can then seek the appropriate method, technique or tool to eliminate it. Hold the intention that you will identify the thoughts and feelings that are holding you back and then seek some guidance on the best way to remove these inner blocks to your success.
You are manifesting your life on a daily basis and can truly have all that you desire if you take the time to clean-up the garbage in your own mind. Clearing unwanted beliefs is relatively easy these days as there are numerous cutting-edge technologies available. Hypnosis has progressed to a stage where a phobia can be cured with one session, binaural beats, light and sound machines, subliminal messages, the Sedona Method etc., have all been developed to make change happen quickly Psychology Articles, easily and in some cases effortlessly. The problem is not having a way to remove these limitations of the mind the only problem you have now is identifying them.
Begin today to watch exactly how you speak to yourself internally. This is the fastest way to understanding how you view yourself and your world. Look for the negative beliefs you hold. Having identified your mental limitations you can get some self improvement tools and begin to change your own ineternal beliefs. Your life will change is ways you can only imagine and you will become the winner you were born to be!
Personal Development: Get a life! Passion and Goals Part 1

Having a direction is a vital part of being a conscious adult and in any personal development journey. Moving from an unconscious existence to conscious life requires - among others - passion, direction, and goals. This ingredient is a major feature in the life of every great leader. Develop it with information and practical advice in this article.
- Are you truly alive?
Do you merely exist, or are you truly alive? Are you unconsciously going through the motions of a live person, or are you consciously being alive?
Having a direction is a vital part of being a conscious adult, and has to be considered in any personal development journey. Moving from an unconscious existence to conscious living requires - among others - passion, direction, and goals. As a nice side effect, it’ll tremendously boost your attractiveness to the opposite sex.
These ingredients are a major feature in the life of every great leader. They all have ambitions and passions. But, you might think, doesn’t everyone have them?
Most people don’t. What they do have are vague dreams – vaguely wanting to travel, wanting a big house, wanting to work at something they love, a perfect relationship, a great body, whatever it is. These wishes are universal. But it isn’t a direction if you don’t follow it – neither is it a passion if you don’t live it.
- Don’t let your fears stop you
So what is the difference between having a vague dream and a direction? Fear.
I cannot overstate how important this is. It has many manifestations, but all goes back to the root: Fear. Too many people bog themselves down with their fears, which can show up as procrastination or laziness.
They fear losing the security of their current job, even if it makes them miserable. They are afraid of losing the approval and support of their parents, partner, or friends. They are afraid of hard work. Or they’ll “get around to it when the time is right.”
This is a common saying, so common that it loses its importance. The time is right – right now. Don’t put it off. Follow this saying!
There are too many people complaining about how miserable their job is. How unhappy their partners make them. How abusive their partners are. How lonely they are. And yet they don’t do anything about it. They spend more time complaining about it then fixing it. They talk about wanting a better job, and then spend their free time watching TV or having coffee with their friends.
- Find your direction now!
Find out what your passion is. Ask yourself; what makes you happy? What makes your heart sing? What makes you laugh? What makes time fly by in the blink of an eye? It’s fine not to have this, if you’re young. Many people in their early and mid twenties haven’t developed a burning passion yet. Napoleon Hill, author of the original millionaire’s bible, Think and Grow Rich, states that most people develop this after the age of forty. But if you’re reading this, you’re not “most people”, are you?
Write it all down. Make a list of what you would do if there were no constraints. No parents, no partner, unlimited time and resources. Is it starting a band? Learning a new sport?
Then follow it. What? You can’t? Why not?
Personal Development: Get a life! Passion and Goals Part 2

Having a direction is a vital part of being a conscious adult and in any personal development journey. Moving from an unconscious existence to conscious life requires - among others - passion, direction, and goals. This ingredient is a major feature in the life of every great leader. Develop it with information and practical advice in this article.
In Part one, we covered what passions are, and how to find out what yours are. But it’s that simple. Most people have fears that stand in the way.
- What’s your fear saying right now?
You have bills to pay? Yes. And yes, there are other people you have to consider when you make your decisions. Yes, to many of your objections.
But you can start small. You don’t have to change your whole life around immediately; that is uncalled-for and frightening.
Instead, spend an hour a day following what you want to do. If it’s a different career, for example, study it part-time; start putting money aside for it. If it’s a better body, work out. If it’s a new skill, get a book or a tutor and practise. Sign up for night classes. Seems like I’m drilling this into you, but the first step is the hardest – and many people don’t want to take it.
Follow your bliss, and everything else will fall into place! It’s not hard work if you are doing what you love.
Remember: You won’t die if you give up an hour of TV or spend an hour less with your friends. But - you’ll die inside if you don’t follow your passion.
- Effect on attractiveness and social life
This is also known as “having a life.” Having a life is not working, and then spending your free time with your friends or family. Having a life is working towards your goals, and enjoying yourself every step of the way.
From a male perspective and experience, this is one of the factors that contribute to your attractiveness. Almost every woman I’ve met has told me they love a guy with a passion. What it is doesn’t really matter. It’s the passion they love.
- Being true to yourself
Once you have a passion, and it develops into a burning desire that takes over your life, let nothing deter you. Not your partner, not your parents, nothing and no-one. Now you have to use common sense here. If your passion is stealing underwear, then yes, let the police deter you.
But if your passion is legal - muscle cars, boxing, philosophy, or your jazz band – follow it.
Many people will try to put you down. Out of fear, out of jealousy, out of spite, it doesn’t matter what their motives are. Others, most likely your partner, may want to shift that focus away from your passion on to them. It validates them; affirms their value for them.
- Start living!
Let nothing deter you from your path. Sure, take some time off to smell the roses once in a while. But always remember that to lose your direction is to lose yourself. You’re on your way to mastery!
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